W3 Statistics Free

W3 Statistics Free offers extensive and up-to-the-day statistics for small Web sites receiving up to 5,000 page impressions per month.

Costs / obligations
You can use W3 Statistics Free completely free of charge. There is neither a monthly fee nor a standard installation charge. But using this free offer does oblige you to show the W3 Statistics logo on your home page and to link it to the URL http://www.w3statistics.com. How the code looks like exactly will be explained in the administration area after you have signed up!

Data acquisition
Integrate the W3 Statistics code segment (pixel method) on the Web sites you want statistics on. The code segment will be sent to you automatically via e-mail after registration for W3 Statistics Free.

As soon as the platform is available you can register here online. W3 Statistics Free will be available to you immediately. As soon as the platform is available you can register here online.